Become a Part of the Positive Changes

Become a Part of the Positive Changes фото: SOLUTION JOURNALISM LAB
The Solutions Journalism Lab is a project that fundamentally changes the way people perceive existing problems, solve them and thereby change the world around them, since solution journalism not just identifies acute issues, but also seeks and finds the most effective ways to cope with them.

Solution journalism is a relatively new genre, but the experience of other countries has already proved that when the media not only raise acute issues, but tell how they can be solved, it changes the tone of discussion in society. From mutual accusations, people move on to a constructive dialogue, together they find and implement the best options and act. It gives them more than hope, it clearly shows that they can change everything.  

The main elements of solution journalism include: studying the problem and ways to solve it and positive experience in similar situations, presenting evidence of effectiveness, discussing limitations that may hinder the application of the solutions found, etc. 

The project "Solutions Journalism Lab " includes:  

- Providing training, financial and legal support to journalists participating in the project. 

- Assistance in collecting the necessary data and writing an article (creating a video story) 

- Publication of material created in the genre of solutions journalism.  

Journalism can still change the world. Solutions journalism can change it for the better. 
