Akisheva Asiya

Akisheva Asiya

Assiya Akisheva is a journalist, editor, and media expert. Currently, she is involved in creating Kazakhstani content for the Forbes.kz website. With over 25 years of experience in journalism, she has worked in various national media resources in both Kazakh and Russian languages. She served as the editor of the first business publication in the state language, «Kazakhstan` entrepreneur » from 2008 to 2016.

She is a certified trainer in business journalism and one of the authors of the educational handbook «Practical Journalism in Kazakhstan» (2006/MediaNet, OSCE in Almaty, FSK). She is also an editor-consultant and author of a handbook for journalists, «Еntrepreneurial journalism» (2019/Embassy of the United States in Kazakhstan).As a media trainer, she specializes in business and industry journalism for the Kazakhstan press.

She works as an independent consultant, focusing on the creation and promotion of business media content in the Kazakh language, as well as the development of educational media projects for the Kazakhstan press.

Currently, she is studying international experience in intercultural communication in the media.